Glutathione is one of the most powerful antioxidants in the human body. Thus, it fulfills an important role in the regulation of the immune system.
In many people, the glutathione level is too low: they are more susceptible to infections and feel less powerful.
Nutritional supplements can help to supply your body with the important antioxidant.
What are antioxidants for?
Antioxidants are organic compounds that protect the body from free radicals. Free radicals are molecules that are produced as a result of various influences such as pollution, smoking, stress or normal metabolic processes. The molecules attack and damage healthy cells. Researchers link free radicals to a variety of health problems. Experts refer to these processes as oxidative stress.
Antioxidants neutralize the harmful molecules by absorbing their excess electrons. Thus, they prevent the free radicals from causing further damage to the body's own cells.
What causes oxidative stress?
A distinction must be made between internal and external causes of oxidative stress.
Internal causes are mental and physical exhaustion or overload, for example, as a result of stress or overexertion during sports. Various underlying diseases also cause oxidative stress: these include diabetes and dysfunction of various organs as well as chronic inflammation.
External causes are ingested toxins such as alcohol and nicotine, high UV and ozone exposure, as well as various environmental toxins.
An unhealthy diet, which is poor in antioxidants, is also among the external causes of oxidative stress.
What is glutathione?
Many antioxidants people take in through food. For example, anthocyanins are found in red cabbage or lycopene in tomatoes. Therefore, many people mistakenly assume that a balanced and healthy diet would be enough to provide the body with sufficient antioxidants.
With glutathione, it is different, because this is an antioxidant that is formed by the body and does not occur in this form in food. Glutathione is formed from the amino acids cysteine, glutamic acid and glycine. The cells synthesize the important antioxidant from these compounds.
What happens when the glutathione level is too low?
.The glutathione level in the blood drops especially when your body has to fight infections. The drop in levels is particularly noticeable with herpes simplex infections. Researchers also link various chronic diseases with a reduced glutathione level.
It is not scientifically proven whether raising the level by taking supplements helps to relieve the symptoms of infection or chronic disease.
It is known, however, that the glutathione level decreases more and more, the more frequently and persistently the body has to fight against diseases.
How can a low glutathione level become noticeable?
People with low glutathione levels complain primarily of reduced performance, which they often describe as a "lack of energy". This weakness results from the fact that the body can no longer produce sufficient ATP when glutathione is deficient.
ATP is the abbreviation for adenosine triphosphate. It stores and transports energy needed for most bodily functions, including muscle contractions and brain activity. ATP is thus something like the fuel for the body.
If the body produces more ATP due to an increased energy demand, this process produces more free radicals. And these in turn must be neutralized by sufficiently available antioxidants. If antioxidants, especially glutathione, are not available in sufficient quantities, damage to the cells occurs. The result is a decreasing production of ATP and the resulting performance weakness.
What is L-glutathione?
L-glutathione differs from gluthate ion by its structure. While normal glutathione is a tripeptide compound of cysteine, glutamic acid, and glycine, L-glutathione is a so-called stereoisomer. A stereoisomer is an organic compound that has the same chemical formula as the normal compound, but in which the atoms are arranged differently. This altered spatial arrangement affects the biochemical properties. In different contexts, stereoisomers develop a different effect than the normal compounds.
L-glutathione plays an important role in the liver. This is significantly involved in the degradation of toxins that circulate in the body. Since this task is associated with high oxidative stress, the liver benefits particularly from a sufficiently high glutathione level.
Why is L-glutathione popular as a dietary supplement?
Nutritional supplements containing L-glutathione are designed for people who want to boost their immune system and performance. When people are under stress, suffer from a disease or want to mitigate the effects of the natural aging process, they take appropriate dietary supplements. This can help maintain glutathione levels at a high level, making the body more resistant to the harmful effects of free radicals.
.Are there studies on the effectiveness of L-glutathione?
In a study published in 2017, Campolo et al. examined the effects of taking L-glutathione. Specifically, they checked whether intake through the oral mucosa led to improvements in several health markers that are risk factors for cardiovascular disease. The researchers administered L-glutathione in the form of a dietary supplement to part of the subjects, while the control group received a placebo.It was found that the group that received the dietary supplement had reduced cholesterol levels and, in particular, the amount of LDL cholesterol in the blood was reduced. These results were statistically significant.
Also, improvements were seen in participants who had previously been observed to have abnormal vascular elasticity.
In summary, Campolo et al. found that taking L-glutathione in the form of a dietary supplement can lower cholesterol levels and specifically the amount of LDL cholesterol found in the blood. They were unable to demonstrate that the use of the dietary supplement had a direct positive effect on oxidative stress.
The researchers concluded that taking L-glutathione as a dietary supplement may affect lipid metabolism in individuals who have risk factors for cardiovascular disease. It is possible, he said, that the use of sublingual L-glutathione may provide protection for people who suffer from impaired blood vessel wall function.
L-Glutathione of Euro Nutrador
The intake of L-glutathione in the form of a dietary supplement can help you maintain a sufficiently high level of glutathione. The body's ability to compensate for oxidative stress is largely determined by whether there are enough antioxidants in the body. L-glutathione taken as a dietary supplement may also have a positive effect on your blood lipid levels. Taking the preparation of Euro Nutrador can therefore support you in improving your cholesterol levels.This applies especially if you suffer from a permanently elevated LDL cholesterol level and you have not yet found a way to effectively lower it.
Glutathione is one of the most powerful antioxidants in the human body. Thus, it fulfills an important role in the regulation of the immune system.
In many people, the glutathione level is too low: they are more susceptible to infections and feel less powerful.